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学生安全事项提醒/Notice about Students' Safety

作者:  来源: 日期:2013-05-02 14:56:46   人气: 加入收藏 标签:

Notice of Student’s Safety


Summer comes and the weather gets hotter and hotter. In order to let you have safe and pleasant summer days, the following suggestions are given by the International Office:

A. Pay attention to the traffic lights and vehicular traffic when you cross the road or even walk on the street.

B. Pay attention to electricity and fire safety.

C. When you hang aroundXi-miLake, never try to stay in the lakefront or climbing the railings there. The railings are easy to fall off.

D. Lock your door when you go out or sleep in your room.

Emergency Numbers:

Police: 110

Fire: 119

Traffic: 122

First Aid: 120

International office: 85070142/85070082

University Security Department: 85070119

UniversityHospital: 85070120

International office


上一条:端午节放假通知/Notice about The Dragon Boat Festival
下一条:五一放假通知/Notice about the International Worker's Day